WDR, surprisingly different. And still unmistakable.
- Westdeutscher Rundfunk
- 2020
- Website
- Purpose
- Visual Identity
- Verbal Identity
- Vision/Mission
- Communication
- Coaching
- Training
It also works without stereotypes: With the new WDR Innovation Hub image, we communicate the role and strength of the station’s innovation unit free of clichés. The new image world, freshly conceived internal and external communication measures and a tone of voice that does without buzzword bingo – all this is far removed from predictable standard implementations that are often linked to the theme of innovation.

Our strategy proves that innovation is already part of WDR’s public service mandate, quasi as a broadcasting contract’s raison d’être. The crux of our work was balancing three weights: the Innovation Hub’s own status, its proximity and connection to the WDR umbrella brand, and the user-friendliness of the application. The latter in particular was a challenge – for an umbrella brand that has been growing since 1956 and naturally has complex design guidelines.

The collaboration took place online from the first meeting to the “thank you very much, it was nice and I’d love to do it again” and was still close. The same applies to the familiar teamwork with the innovation managers at Honeypump.

Contact person
Peer Hempel