Grant Thornton growth mission campaign
Grant Thornton is one of the top ten auditing companies in Germany. The aim is to grow even more in the coming years. Stan Hema is supporting Grant Thornton on this path with a multi-stage campaign designed to increase the brand’s public profile and communicate the high level of trust customers have in the company. Each stage of the campaign is part of holistic branding with a single aim: a brand that people are happy to work for and happy to give work to.
Communication with the target group on an equal footing is characteristic of the campaign. Grant Thornton sees itself as a reliable partner for SMEs and has in-depth knowledge of the socio-economic, legal and political challenges they face.

We convey this spirit of cooperation as partners and profound knowledge of SMEs in attention-grabbing headlines such as ‘Straight talk rather than tactics’ or ‘Solutions, not nonsense’. At the same time, our campaign slogans express Grant Thornton’s high regard for the target group and the work it does: ‘Thank you, SMEs’.
Whereas the first campaign prioritised the messaging in combination with the brand’s striking violet colour, we have developed an unmistakable image world for the second campaign. To this end, we have translated visual elements from the portfolio of Grant Thornton into an abstract formal language with high recognition value. The result: animated renderings that can also be used outside of the campaign on the website, at trade fairs and events and in print communication.
Our partnership with Grant Thornton even extends beyond the campaign on a linguistic level. We are developing a contemporary brand language, assisting with editorial work and implementing the new brand language by means of language workshops within the company. Because: in a hotly contested market, only communication derived from the brand can be successful. This is confirmed by the effect of our campaign on perception of Grant Thornton: the company is now ranked very highly by the target group in terms of trust, quality, reliability and expertise.

- Analysis and Insights
- Communication Strategy
- Motion Design
- Tone of Voice
- Campaign
- Content Development
- Process Consulting
- Marcus Calderoni
- Peter Cornicius