
Bundesstiftung Bauakademie

From the greenfield to the digital platform.


  • Bundesstiftung Bauakademie
  • 2022–
  • Website


  • Insights
  • Purpose
  • Narrativ
  • Brand Strategy


  • Visual Identity
  • UX/UI
  • Content Production


  • Vision/Mission
  • Communication

How do you bring a building academy to life that doesn’t yet exist physically? We responded to this challenge on behalf of the Federal Bauakademie Foundation with a digital solution: a website that is growing into an interactive platform for connecting experts from academia and practice, developing forward-looking ideas and driving innovation forward. First in the digital then in the physical space.

Founded in 2019, the Federal Bauakademie Foundation stands for change towards sustainable value creation in the construction industry and urban development. This purpose arose from the holistic brand strategy that we developed in co-creation with the foundation. The special thing about it is that it reduces the complexity of a future-oriented federal foundation to the bare essentials and creates a mission statement with which all those involved can identify.

To achieve optimum results, we pooled our in-house expertise in strategy, design and motion graphics. ‘With our transparent way of working and flat hierarchies, we had an equal partner in the Federal Foundation, who critically questioned and made the collaboration particularly enjoyable and successful,’ emphasises Lead Strategist Dorothee Kaser. The focus was always on the strategic fundamentals. Together with external UI designer Lisa Fessl, our designers translated their precise simplicity into a visual appearance.

The result: a square as the smallest unit of a larger order. As a logo, it can switch from the two-dimensional to the three-dimensional, can scale, tilt, rotate, transform. For Lead Designer Peer Hempel, this simple graphic principle is everything that defines the Federal Bauakademie Foundation, now and in the future: change, debate, transformation.

Contact person

Dorothee Kaser
UX strategy


A magazine for architecture and urbanism.

The first science centre in the world.

Urania Berlin Flyer für verschiedene Veranstaltungen mit Klaus Wowereit