
Nina Reininger

Nina Reininger
Brand strategy (freelance)

After graduating from the International Business School Lippstadt in 2000, this qualified business economist got to know brands from every angle through various roles in trend research, traditional communication agencies and brand consulting firms. Insight-based, target-group-oriented brand management and media-neutral creative consulting are her fields. She has worked at Philipp und Keuntje and MetaDesign over the course of her career. As a freelance consultant, she has worked with BMW Designworks, wirDesign, LBlq, Sapera and Piabo PR. As part of these contracts, she advised B2B and B2C brands ranging from Audi to Lufthansa to Jena Batteries. Nina joined our projects as a consultant in early 2016 and became part of the Strategy team in March 2022.

+49 30 2325761 19

Learn more Nina Reininger

Dr. Hauschka
G-Beauty by Nature.

Dr. Hauschka Verpackung und Produktsortiment in der Übersicht

A family business with a future.