Gabriel Punkenhofer
Brand consulting, communications

Born in Vienna, Gabriel Punkenhofer studied International Relations (B.A.) in Madrid and Seoul and completed his academic career in 2018 with a Master's in Cultural Economics & Entrepreneurship in Rotterdam. Since his time as a student, assisting at the Institute of Design Research Vienna he has been fascinated by the creative industries. Initially at Gutundgut (Zurich, Rotterdam), a place branding specialist, and later at the architecture firm UNStudio (Amsterdam), he managed the communication and development of international projects. Until autumn 2024, he worked at the global branding agency Design Bridge and Partners (Berlin), and since then, he has focused at Stan Hema primarily on communication and initial consulting for clients in the development and planning of brand processes. Naturally curious and actively involved in the design scene, he has also made networking and events his priority at Stan Hema.
+49 30 2325761 16